Herbal Thai massage uses herbal heat compresses and is an ancient traditional therapy that was used by herbal healers and midwives. The herbal compress contains various healing herbs and is steamed to release their healing qualities. This massage is known for:
Reduce swelling & drain waste
Help mother recover after pregnancy
Relief of stress and relaxation
Relief of aching muscles which are burdened by breastfeeding and carrying the baby

Ayurvedic massage combines the 5,000-year-old Indian principles of Ayurveda—the science of life—and pressure points. This type of massage is designed to create balance among the mind, body, and spirit, and help the body heal itself. It incorporates warm herb essential oils, as well as time-honored and non-traditional strokes and kneading that suit an individual’s needs.
Strengthens immune system
Nourishes the body tissues
Benefits sleep patterns
Softens & soothes the skin
Increases blood & lymphatic circulation (if swollen limbs or cold hands and feet)
Relieves pain and physical stress
Cleanses & revitalizes the body
Lubricates the joints
Stimulates the internal organs
Both are offered as part of the Doula Packages